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In this hilarious and chaotic game show, host Hank Grisewood and his technical assistant Alex Palazzo must navigate the challenges of live television while dealing with their sentient AI co-host, V.A.N.N.A.


As audience contestants compete in increasingly absurd challenges, Hank and Alex struggle to keep the show on track, all while trying to manage their own growing attraction.


With quick-witted dialogue, unexpected twists, and plenty of audience interaction, BROKE: the game show show is a fast-paced comedy that will keep you laughing from start to finish. Will Hank and Alex be able to salvage the show, or will they end up going broke?


Ryan Myers as Hank

Ashley Rube as Alex

Liz Muller as V.A.N.N.A.

Scott Sheldon as Control

Lyrics, Production Design, Direction by Liz Muller

Music, Graphic Design, Written by C. E. Simon

Special Thanks to

Lee Anne Mathews

Check out out INSTAGRAM for winner's pics, behind the scenes, and more!

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